The first Saturday of the year will often see classic cars, hot rods, and bikes converging for the annual Black Swamp Rod Run in Mangawhai. The chance to cruise in company around some of Northland’s picturesque coastline followed by a fun afternoon in the Olive Grove with music, food, and plenty of shade usually attracts more than 200 cars.
Register ($20) on the day from 9am — Saturday, 4 January 2020 — at Mangawhai Domain, Moir St. The cruise starts at 10.45am, heading to Waipu before returning to Mangawhai’s Black Swamp Road Olive Grove for an afternoon of family fun, usually in the sun. Hot food and cold drinks are available.
Thanks to the event’s growing popularity, entry to the Black Swamp Road Olive Grove will be limited to registered event cars.
Members of the public are invited to check out the cars from 9–10.45am for a gold coin donation to Otamatea High School. For more information, call Sandra on 027 531 0788.